Posts Tagged ‘Blooms’

Alright, long story short here:

Once upon a time there was this guy named Benjamin Bloom and he developed something called “Bloom’s Taxonomy” which basically explains the stages and requirements of the thinking process. Then later, two of his students came along and decided it wasn’t good enough, so they revised it. The end.

Oh yes, I should probably mention what those stages of the thinking process were. In order from lowest to highest, they are:


If you would like a pretty picture of the subdivisions and such, please look below.

So, I see no issue with any of these categories. I fully agree with the revision that his students made. The reason for the ordering of the specific skills or stages is that you cannot move onto one without first conquering the previous stage. So basically if you can’t remember anything, you’re screwed.

Personally I find that I have no issue getting through the first three stages. I have a pretty decent memory that likes to remember the most random things, I possess the ability to understand the information by making connections, and I have no issue applying the knowledge to area of my life. However, I find myself a bit stuck once I reach the analysis portion. I find that I sometimes require a bit of help from someone else in order to properly and fully analyze a piece of knowledge. This may be due to the fact that I can doubt myself sometimes. I may believe that my own personal analysis is not appropriate or totally off the beaten path (which has been the case on more than one occasion), so I seek the assistance of other minds to help me fully analyze something. I don’t, however, view this as an entirely bad thing because when two or more minds collaborate, you get a full rounded picture as opposed to a narrow minded portion of it.

After the whole process of analyzing is complete, I have little issue advancing through the next stages. I have a (bad?) habit of always seeking perfection, so I am constantly critiquing, checking, and judging my own thoughts, knowledge, and creations. After I have attained as close to perfection as I can, I get to move on to my favourite part, which is the creating. Sometimes I rush just to get to this part because I like it so much.

I’m still not good with conclusions…so I’m just going to end it riiiiiigggggght…..


Signing off in 3…2…1…
