
Posted: September 17, 2012 in Blogs, MPM107, Week 02
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Ok..hopefully I’m not the first to think that “tinkering” is KIND OF a funny word.  All joking aside though, tinkering is the process of manipulating the tools that already exist in your basic realm of being in order to create new, interesting, and imaginative ideas. I suppose you could say that tinkering is the physical evidence that you have an imagination and it’s working…which is a good thing because one needs a healthy imagination in order to function, especially if you are an art student like myself. Good old Albert knows what I’m talking about. Just knowing how to do something isn’t as important as being able to imagine the potential that the “something” has to give you.

Tinkering in New Media is exceptionally important. As media artists, we are constantly imagining what we could do with the technology of today and the technology that we’ll be able to use in the future. As artists, we draw, sketch, scribble, doodle, and create little ideas all over the corners of our art history notebooks while we’re learning about the historical significance of every single Greek sculpture. I am no exception. I now can’t bring a notebook to class because I will imagine all over it. Now I have to bring my laptop and disable the internet so I’m not allowed to imagine anything.

Now, I guess I could consider myself a fairly decent “tinkerer” (I know that probably isn’t an actually word…just bear with me) but I find I’ve only been able to work within one medium, being a pencil and paper. I’ve never been short on imagination…in fact sometimes I have too much and it hurts when I land back down on the ground (that would be my dose of reality). I am already eager to get a new idea or project rolling and I’ve usually got two or three ideas in the back of my head. However, I find that it can be hard to explain my ideas sometimes because I am only experienced with drawing my ideas out on paper. How is that a problem? I’m REALLY not very good at drawing. I would very much like to learn how else I can communicate my ideas to other people….other ways that don’t involve me drawing something. Ideas just don’t look so good when all you are drawing is stick figures.

For a slightly…well “interesting” webcomic featuring today’s word: IMAGINATION…click here.

Signing off in 3…2…1…

oops..that’s gross.

I mean: *click*

  1. David says:

    Tinkerer is a word. I would say it’s quite good word too. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinkerer and, for me, the ‘original’ meaning of the word is “A traveling mender of metal household utensils.” see http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tinkerer

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